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April 15, 2023

Hello all, This past week has brought a tsunami of vulnerability fixes and patches. Many of these are for zero-days, so patch quickly! The Red-N Weekly Cyber Security News newsletter is below the Notable Callouts as usual. Notable Callouts: One…

April 1, 2023

Hello all,The Red-N Weekly Cyber Security News newsletter is below the Notable Callouts as usual. Notable Callouts: If someone from the 1950s time traveled into the future and suddenly appeared today, what would be the most challenging thing to explain…

March 18, 2023

Hello all,The Red-N Weekly Cyber Security News newsletter is below the Notable Callouts as usual. There’s a lot this week, so let’s get right to it. Notable Callouts: “If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will…

March 11, 2023

Hello all,The Red-N Weekly Cyber Security News newsletter is below the Notable Callouts as usual. This week is a bit lighter on news than prior weeks, Tuesday is Patch Tuesday, so I expect next week will be rather busy. Notable…

March 4, 2023

Hello all,The Red-N Weekly Cyber Security News newsletter is below the Notable Callouts as usual. Notable Callouts: The internet is somewhat akin to the Italian roadway system. There are seemingly no rules, potholes the size of a small Fiat, and…

February 24, 2023

Hello all,The Red-N Weekly Security newsletter is below the Notable Callouts as usual. Notable Callouts: Having incomplete security coverage, meaning devices that don’t have your tools and monitoring on them, is worse than not having any coverage. In the latter…

February 11, 2023

Hello all,The Red-N Weekly Security newsletter is below the Notable Callouts as usual. Notable Callouts: Keeping your file and system backups in the same Windows Active Directory Domain as your servers and workstations is like putting a freshly grilled steak…

February 4, 2023

Hello all,The Red-N Weekly Security newsletter is below the Notable Callouts as usual. Notable Callouts: An interesting report from cybernews has named Cybercrime the world’s third largest economy, behind the USA and China – absolutely mind-boggling! “Based on data from…

January 28, 2023

Hello all,The Red-N Weekly Security newsletter is below the Notable Callouts as usual. Notable Callouts: The ancient Romans built over 50,000 miles of incredibly durable and efficient roads throughout their empire, uniting their lands, bringing, trade, mail, news, and providing…

December 3, 2022

Hello all, The Red-N Weekly Security newsletter is below the callouts below. Notable callouts this week include: Also in this week’s issue are several links about cyber insurance. Remember, the second rat gets the cheese. In security, you cannot rest…

November 26, 2022

Hello all,A few of the notable call-out’s from this week’s report (found below this introduction) are: Having up to date, monitored and effective internet security is sort of like owning a snow-blower in Buffalo NY. It doesn’t do much for…