Tag Exfiltration

December 30, 2023

Hello all, Congratulations Cyber Warrior! You’ve made it to the end of another year. It has been a daunting one with a massive AI-fueled upswing in phishing, smishing, malvertising, hacking, cracking, encrypting, DDoSing, stealing and destruction. Experts are sadly predicting…

December 9, 2023

Hello all, There are a few rather severe items to be aware of this week, called out below. And this coming Tuesday is Patch Tuesday for Microsoft and a number of other vendors. Traditionally, December’s release has held fewer updates…

November 25, 2023

Hello all, While the flurry of notices from Patch Tuesday are now behind us, vulnerabilities, patches, exploits, and other tech excitement continues. OpenAI made headlines for themselves and Microsoft for much of the week with Sam Altman news. The dust…

November 11, 2023

Hello all, Today is Veteran’s Day in the United States, and Armistice Day in much of the world, marking the end of World War Two, on the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month. Hostilities officially ceased…

November 4, 2023

Hello all, Happy November all! This week was somewhat quiet until Cisco threw out a bunch of vulnerability updates. There are quite a few other significant and interesting items, so let’s get to them. The volume of news and other…

October 28, 2023

Hello all, This cyber week has been a somewhat normal one with the usual warnings, updates, and reports of activity by horrible people that deserve a toasty spot in hell. There are some neat new things as well, so let’s…

October 21, 2023

Hello all, There were no earth-shattering vulnerability or patch reports this week for a change. Although Oracle comes close to hitting that criterion with 387 patches this week, more on that in a moment. As usual, the complete Red-N Weekly…

September 30, 2023

Hello all, This week has seen the release of a number of new features and enhancements from Microsoft and some exciting product announcements from other vendors. Sadly, there has also been a plethora of warnings and alerts, some of which…

September 23, 2023

Hello all, After the flurry of vulnerability announcements and patch releases last week, this one has been a welcome respite, unless you have any of the affected products in our Notable Callouts. This week, Microsoft will be introducing a goodly…

September 16, 2023

Hello all, For our Jewish readers, Shanon Tovah! Last night marked the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish New Year. For all of us, happy Patch Tuesday week – it has been a big one! It…

September 9, 2023

Hello all, I thought it would be the calm before the patch-Tuesday storm. Alas no. Toward the end of this week significant numbers of items crossed my desk. So, read on. As usual, the complete Red-N Weekly Cyber Security News…

July 15, 2023

Hello all, The Red-N Weekly Cyber Security News newsletter Notable Callouts are below. It has been a whirlwind of vulnerabilities and patches this past week with a nice A to Z ranging from Adobe to Zune – yes, Zune. Read on. And,…