December 2, 2023

Weekly Cyber Security News

News Events and Information

Gathered from sources found on the web in the past seven days

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Hello all,

It started out as a quiet week and then ramped up rather quickly. So, let’s get right to the commentary and the rest of the linked items.

The volume of news and other can appear overwhelming, the best strategy is to read the Notable Callouts below and then skim the full list of linked news item titles that follow for things that pertain to you or your environment or simply interest you, and then selecting them for more information. So, let’s get to it. And don’t forget, our site, also has searchable archives of past newsletters.

Notable Callouts:

  • Apple is in the news again with zero-days that were being exploited in the wild that necessitated emergency updates. Additionally, Apple released macOS Sonoma 14.1.2 this week with updates and fixes.
  • Feds Investigate Water Supply Attacks should be a headline that causes some concern. There is an awful lot of damage that can be done to equipment and people if these industrial level attacks succeed in changing chemical ratios or altering the pressure on pipes. Two separate attacks in different states were reported this week.
  • Google Chrome received an emergency update this week to patch actively exploited zero-day vulnerabilities. Other Chromium based browsers should have updates out by now as well. If yours doesn’t, switch browsers.
  • ownCloud has a vulnerability with a maximum 10 severity that is now being actively exploited. The public warning and patch was announced last week. A mere 4 days later, attacks were underway by the bad guys. Additionally, there are two more vulnerabilities that are not showing signs of attack yet that need to be remediated ASAP.
  • Okta the Identity Management platform suffered a breach in October. At that time, they reported that only 1% of customers were affected, still a large number given how many clients Okta serves. However, this week Okta revealed that nearly 100% of customers were affected.
    In a related note, Okta has paused all new products and projects for 90 days while they work “to make sure we become one of the most secure companies in the world”.
  • 73% of Internet Traffic is Malicious Bots. Let that sink in for a moment. That means that only 27% of traffic flowing across the internet is legitimate. Something needs to change. That is not sustainable. Imagine going out in public and 3 out of 4 people were actively intending to perpetrate a crime against you. That is what we’re dealing with.
  • Staples the office supply store has suffered a major cyber event. Many services are down, and users are being advised not to even attempt to log into their Microsoft accounts. Ouch.
  • Zyxel apparently makes NAS units. They have some critical vulnerabilities that require patching, so if you have them, you’ve been warned. Patch quickly or risk a complete takeover of your NAS.

In Ransomware, Malware, and Vulnerabilities News:

  • Associated Press, ESPN, CBS among top sites serving fake virus alerts. The scourge of these things is rampant. I had a call from someone who experienced it this week. This person’s fake virus alert appeared to come via a Bing ad. Stay vigilant people. 73% of things out there on the net are out to get you.

In Other News Events of Note and Interest:

  • Google seems to have lost the data of GDrive users that were on version 84 of their software. Google posted that they are still working on it, but users are not happy. Very few people realize that cloud vendors practice the “Shared Responsibility Model”. They are responsible for maintaining their infrastructure, but unless you have a contract or service with them to do so, they are not responsible for safeguarding your data. That is your responsibility to back up securely.

In Cyber Insurance News:

  • Three Steps to Lowering Cyber Insurance Costs, some practical things to implement.

Retailers are reporting that the post-Thanksgiving shopping season in the USA was one of the best in recent years for sheer volume of transactions. The bad guys have taken notice. Pay particular attention to robocalls alerting you to alleged purchases. Don’t fall for it. The bad guys are looking to steal from you any way they can.

Praying that all your purchases arrived safely and were as advertised.

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Red-N Weekly Cyber Security News

Headline NEWS

Ransomware, Malware, and Vulnerabilities News

Other News Events of Note and Interest

Cyber Insurance News

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